The Stress Book
40+ Ways to Manage Stress & Enjoy Your Life
​The Stress Book is a best-selling multiple award-winning book that takes a comprehensive approach to stress management & prevention and how modifying our lifestyles and taking practical steps can significantly reduce the stress level we are experiencing. More than forty approaches to stress reduction, management, and prevention are covered in this book, giving you practical guidance applicable to most lives issues and circumstances.
Are you or someone you know and honestly care about experiencing so much stress in life that it is so overwhelming? And maybe, the feeling that life is over seems inevitable. Or are you or that person trying desperately to avoid that condition? Well, look no further than The Stress Book!
THE STRESS BOOK IS A RECIPIENT OF MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED (100-PLUS) LITERARY AWARDS, including the Independent Author Network (IAN) 2022 first-place Nonfiction Book of the Year, Outstanding Creator Award winner for Best Nonfiction Book, spring 2023. It made the shortlist of finalists for the 2023 Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Book of the Year, Best Independent Book Award Winner of Best Stress Management Book of 2023. and Goody Business Book Awards-Top Impact Author Award-2023.
Listed in Book Authority’s Article titled “20 Best Stress Management Books of All Time.” – 2023.
This book will help people struggling with challenging situations. For example, those who work in stressful jobs are involved in difficult personal or toxic relationships. In addition, it will help those with self-destructive behavior, self-doubt, difficulty making intentional decisions, and many other challenging situations. More importantly, it helps people from getting involved in these and other difficult situations, preventing or reducing stress before it is manifested.
New Concepts: This book also provides you with many opportunities to simplify the management and prevention of stress by using a new acronym: S.T.R.E.S.S, that allows incorporating any of the forty-plus actions. These actions have been newly categorized into three main groups called Physical Actions, Mental Actions, and Community Actions. When applied appropriately, this approach will streamline, modify, and enhance treatment and prevention of stress outcomes. In addition, you are provided with practical ideas, solutions, or options that, when also used, are likely to reduce or prevent your stress.
You will also be introduced to a "new relationships (particularly toxic ones ) mental disorder called Abstract Kidnapping Disorder – A.K.D." This is associated with the termination of relationships.
This book is intended to significantly improve the lives of people at any level of society who may be experiencing stress in their personal, business, or professional lives. I trust that it will make a difference in yours.
Thank you for taking the journey to improve stress in your life and for reading this book.